Have an Äppelwoi at one of the bars if you want to experience Frankfurter locality. Äppelwoi is the regional name for apple wine, which they love to drink. It’s similar to cider but somewhat sweeter and stronger.
The typical bars and cafés offer an array of wines made from the best apples, like the long-running Apfelwein Solzer. Do you like the drink? Then head back when the bi-weekly market settles down at the clock tower on Berger Straße, the lifeline of the district stretching from Nordend to Seckbach. At the market, you will definitely find a bottle of your favourite fruity wine and other Frankfurter specialities, or go for a Handkäs mit Musik (hand cheese with music) at one of the restaurants. Handkäs is a round, handmade cheese, generally served in vinegar and oil. “Mit Musik” means it is served with chopped onions. This is Frankfurt at its best!